Thursday, June 4, 2015

Quarry Rock June 4, 2015

I mentioned the other day that I have been stuck in a bit of a rut lately attitude-wise, and of course, because of that, everything else just seems to be following in a pretty negative slope. 


Today is one of my days off, so my girlfriend from work, Patricia, and I did a beautiful hike to Quarry Rock on the North Shore. 

The hike is considered to be of "easy" difficulty, and was less than 4km, but to be honest, none of that mattered. It just felt sooo good to be in nature. The hike is off-leash dog friendly too, which was a great added bonus for Mr. Captain. He loved sniffing through the trails and checking out all the other dog passing by.
(Patricia on the left and me on the right at the Quarry Rock)
It's funny how, just being outdoors, in the fresh air, getting a good sweat going, can just change my attitude so quickly. I'm feeling refreshed and energized and back to my old self again!

(View from Quarry Rock)
(View from Quarry Rock)

(View from Quarry Rock)
(Beautiful greenery along the trail)
(Patricia & Captain )

Not only did I have a great day working up a sweat, enjoying beautiful scenery, sharing great conversation with a friend, and spending quality time with the dog, but now I also get to update my 30 before 30 list, since I've now completed 1/20 hikes that is part of #18 on my list! Yay me! (Sorry couldn't help the ego boost!)


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